ECC’s new face in Student Services – Sarah Berhanu

There are a lot of attributes that could label Ellenbrook’s Sarah Berhanu.


Former Head Girl of Mercedes College.

Qualified Biomedical scientist.

While all of these are true reflections of Sarah, she sees herself differently from these labels.

“I want my identity to be found in Christ,” says Sarah as she attends to primary school students at Ellenbrook’s Santona Boulevard campus.

“I have found that striving for anything that is not eternal is really stressful, and not where your energy should be spent.”

Sarah (pronounced SAA-RA) was born in Perth to Ethiopian parents after they gained refugee status and moved from their home country to a new life in Australia.

As one of the only Africans in her school in Perth, Sarah stood out in her school for a number of reasons. Her mother’s strict upbringing brought academic success and accolades that many of us could only dream about, and Sarah channelled this into her studies and her striving for excellence in the schooling environment.

The yearning for something long-lasting and deeper really hit home for Sarah when she gave her life to Christ in Year 9. At a critical time of life when she was seeking an identity, this saving faith enabled her to see the world around her in a different light. Now, she is seeking to provide that clarity for students in her role in Student Services. The more she opens up about her life, the more you see the servant-hearted nature of this young lady who is seeking to be a listening ear for the young people who call Ellenbrook Christian College (ECC) their home during their schooling years. 

“I know for me, during my teenage years, there was a crisis of identity. I want to make this schooling experience as smooth as possible for our students here.”

Sarah previously worked in health recruitment before a conversation with a church friend led her to the position at ECC.

“I love the face-to-face nature of this role, and I hope that in these small instances of time that I see students I can provide a positive experience for them,” says Sarah as the never-ending stream of students requiring hats and band-aids continues.

Sarah studied Biomedical Science at the University of Western Australia (UWA) and was an integral part of the Christian Union (CU) there. She attends Westminster Presbyterian Church in Bull Creek and enjoys the fellowship of working with Christians in this new environment. With 37 different nationalities at the campus, Sarah’s chances of meeting students from an international background in her role are very high. That happy smile (even behind a mask) is sure to be a welcome relief to any young person who needs a late note, a bandage or just a quick chat before the lunch bell rings.

Keep an eye out for Sarah (remember, its SAA-RA) when you’re around Ellenbrook Christian College.

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